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Story #36

"Something to Hold Onto"

"Something to Hold Onto"

I’d been out of work for about 8 months. I had a couple prospects that looked ok, but nothing was finalized. Financially, I had enough savings for another couple months, but that was it. Because of the conditions at my last job, I was too emotionally exhausted to freak out about the money running out soon, so I kind of just turned off and stopped caring/trying.

One morning I was doing my hair and I had the distinct impression that I’d get paid again before the container of hair stuff ran out. I didn’t put a lot of stock in that feeling, but it gave me something to hold on to. About a month later I did accept a job offer. What I didn’t realize was the company didn’t process payroll bi-weekly—only once per month. And they run 1 pay cycle behind. So I ended up waiting a month and a half before I got my first paycheck. And the next day—the very next day—my hair stuff ran out.

The lesson I took away was that The Lord knows our lives down to the ultimate level of detail, and He told us not to be afraid. I’ve gone through several containers of hair stuff since then, but I kept that particular empty thing of hair stuff. So now when I worry about my career or the future in general, I just open the drawer and look at the empty hair stuff container and I keep moving forward, knowing that He’ll help.

Business Process Consultant

Age 40

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