Story #47
"God Was Looking Out for Me"

Years ago, I had a cool experience while visiting my aunt and uncle during the early part of my college years. If I remember right, I was going into my second semester as a student and thus was still unfamiliar and inexperienced with registering for classes. I’d say, in classic fashion, that I was very distracted with the social scene and not really focused on my studies, nor the scheduling/managing of them.
The last night before I flew back out, I remember lying on the futon and feeling restless. I just kept getting the feeling that I was missing something. I mentally ran through all the stuff that I had packed, and everything seemed alright. Then the thought came to “check your college schedule." Kind of begrudgingly, I sat up, pulled out my laptop, and checked. To my panic, I saw that that day was the last day to register for classes, and I only had an hour or so before midnight. I hastily checked for generals that I needed and registered for anything that was still open.
I honestly don’t know what would have happened had I not gotten that feeling to check on things. I said a prayer of gratitude for sure. God was looking out for me, and I learned from then on to be more diligent and on top of things.
(Private Occupation)